The Aftermath of Flooding in Restoration 1 of the Triad

If you live in or near Restoration 1 of the Triad, NC, you probably know that floods can occur at any time of year due to a variety of natural causes. Torrential downpours of rain, intense hurricanes, and accidental dam failures can all lead to water-related disasters.

Over the past decade, Restoration 1 of the Triad has experienced dozens of serious floods. From thunderstorms in Forsyth County that drown streets in rain to overflowing rivers that invade businesses and homes, it’s clear that the area is familiar with the havoc that can be caused by floods that get out of control.

When a flood damages an area near Restoration 1 of the Triad, here are the steps Restoration 1 takes to begin the recovery process.

  1. Remove hazards from the area. Exposed electrical wires, slippery surfaces, and dangerous items must be cleared from the affected area in order to keep workers and residents safe. 
  2. Dry what can be dried. Floors, carpets, walls, and furniture acquire a lot of moisture during a flood. In order to salvage any parts of an affected building, huge fans and drying machines will be needed to remove any remaining water. 
  3. Remove all ruined items. Unfortunately, some floors and pieces of furniture, as well as parts of buildings, won’t be salvageable. Restoration 1 will remove all ruined parts of the house so that the recovery process can proceed smoothly. 
  4. Mitigate the risk of mold growth. Homes and businesses need to be thoroughly cleaned and dried after a flood to avoid the growth of nasty molds in humid, moist areas. If mold has already begun to grow, Restoration 1 will work to remove it from the building. 

Fortunately, in recent years, companies like Restoration 1 have been able to improve our processes of handling flood-related damage. Our system allows us to help community members restore their homes and businesses as quickly as possible while ensuring that everyone stays safe during repairs.

As terrifying and damaging as bad flood can be, Restoration 1 of the Triad is here to help with any and all water damage that occurs. We can also help you recover from fire, smoke, and mold-related emergencies. To learn more, give Restoration 1 a call at (336) 441-1587. Places to review us on the web:
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